As promised, here are some pictures from my first visit to Cambodian schools.
First we had to climb onto a boat that took us the 4 minute journey across the river to the island. The community that runs the boat journeys have decided that anything to do with education should be free so we didn't have to pay. None of the teachers or children have to pay to cross the river if they go to school or teach on the opposite side. I think it's a perfect example of the community working together to make education more accessible. Chhay, my Volunteer Assistant (VA) is in the picture.
As the rainy season has come to an end, the river has gone down and left a massive sandy bank for us to climb over in order to get to the road.
This is the first school I saw and I do have to admit, my first thoughts were along the lines of 'It's perfect!' but I think that may be due to the euphoria of the experience that I feel like I have waited so long for. This school is made up of grades 1-5 and the class averaged around 15-20 children. These are quite unique schools due to being on the island where I think there is quite a small population so the class numbers are not typical of rural schools in Cambodia.
This is grade 2 (7 year olds)
Grade 1 in the second school I saw. The schools both had lovely, calm atmospheres. The children were well behaved and respectful, the headteachers were welcoming and the commune leader was very positive.
The second school had one wooden building and one concrete building which had been sponsored by a charity from the UK.
A combined grade 3 and 4
The teacher's planning, assessments and timetable.
All in all I had a great day and can't wait to visit more schools and go back to these ones as well. It really is true that good things come to those that wait! (for 6 weeks!)
Great to hear your experiences. I also learnt a very important rule here: take your boss out for breakfast or coffee. Seems to be the glue of the cambodian society....
What did I tell you!!!! fantastic
Great to hear your experiences. I also learnt a very important rule here: take your boss out for breakfast or coffee. Seems to be the glue of the cambodian society....