This article offers a comprehensive and disturbing account of the severity and extent of trafficking women in and out of Cambodia to work in the sex industry. It cites some shocking statistics along the way to back up the overall line of argument which is that the underlying social factors driving this trade need to be tackled alongside the introduction (and enforcement) of legal measures. It is difficult to believe that this issue is regarded as lower priority than other human rights concerns in the country but this is what the author argues. In conclusion we are given:
"Although the Cambodia government and local and international NGOs have made strides towards addressing Cambodia's trafficking problem, these efforts have focused primarily on legal solutions. Certainly stronger and more comprehensive anti-trafficking laws as well as better law enforcement are needed. However, legal solutions, acting alone will not be sufficient to address the underlying causes of trafficking namely poverty, gender inequality, corruption and under-education. Rather, legal responses must be complemented by prescriptive development measures focusing on widening the
knowledge, skill sets, and career options available to women. Only when women have enough viable alternatives to prostitution and the necessary education and political clout to serve as their own advocates will trafficking be abated."
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